Since 2020

to our clients and partners in Ibero-America and the USA

more than 250
recruiters are part of the successful project

more than 3,500
professionals have found their ideal job

We help companies to hire staff
We enable the creation of new jobs through people who already have experience recruiting in different industrial areas, seeking to reactivate the Mexican labor market.
How do we do it?
We minimize response times
We specialize in different industries
We have +250 highly experienced recruiters
We reduce recruitment costs for companies
We develop hiring plans that are tailored to each company
Acute Benefits

For Businesses
It works as a collaboration tool to help companies close jobs faster and at lower cost.
We offer preferential costs for recruiting companies
If you have a small company, we help you focus on the central function of your business, while we take care of your human talent
There is no need to hire more HR staff to close a vacancy
We generate savings in employer charges costs directly (We avoid economic sanctions for employer charges)
For medium and large companies, we collaborate with the Human Resources area to close vacancies faster

For Employees
Greater job opportunity for Mexican workers
Better company-worker communication
Decrease the number of unemployment in Mexico
Personalized attention by a Reclutalent Account Manager